Age of Learning Joins Push for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Age of Learning Joins Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion InitiativeAge of Learning has joined SurveyMonkey and other top tech companies (including 23andMe, Box, Chime, Eventbrite, Genesys, Headspace, Intuit, Leaf Group, PagerDuty, Slack, Tile, Tinder, Upwork, and Zoom) in a new initiative to track the representation of traditionally marginalized groups working inside their vendors, including law firms, technology services suppliers, food suppliers, landlords, marketing agencies, investment banks, and auditors.

Unlike vendor diversity programs of the past (which are typically limited to tracking minority ownership), this new initiative will use a simple survey to also track the representation of women, racial minorities, and LGBTQ individuals within a vendor’s employee base, leadership team, and board of directors. It will evaluate the vendor’s use of inclusive practices for recruiting, retaining, and advancing members of traditionally marginalized groups as well.

Learn more on the Age of Learning blog…